Shapley's M-T-G Original 32oz
Developed by a barber in 1938 to treat human skin conditions, M-T-G plus has a pleasant fragrance and has proven itself to be nothing short of miraculous for horse skin issues. M-T-G plus is time tested and proven. It is veterinarian recommended as the only solution needed for a variety of bacterial and fungal skin problems.Original M-T-G treats a variety of skin problems quickly and easily with results seen as soon as a day after the very first application. Original M-T-G successfully treats the following conditions: rain rot, dew poisoning, scratches, mud fever, greasy heal, sweet itch, girth itch, itchy skin, dandruff and tail rubbing. It has been touted to work on thrush and white line disease.Original M-T-G is formulated to eliminate the causative agent creating the skin problems so it treats at the source to dry up and heal the affected area. Its special ingredients also condition the skin and hair around the problem area which promotes both healthy skin and hair regrowth. Original M-T-G keeps the skin conditioned while creating a barrier against the elements. It offers quick relief and visible hair growth in 3-5 days
PLEASE NOTE: As with any product a small number of horses may have an allergic reaction. Use sparingly ie about the size of a 10p coin, and ensure all instructions are followed regarding patch testing prior to use on the affected area. As this product contains oil, it is recommended that it is not applied in strong sunlight, therefore it is best applied on an evening. If your animal should suffer a reaction, cease using the product immediately and thourghly wash the area with mild soapy water.